首頁 / 成員介紹 / 專任教師
施士塵Shih-Chen Shi
職  稱
學  歷
電  話
研 究 室
網  頁
專  長
  • 雷射表面加工
  • 奈米材料/生物高分子/高分子複合材料
  • 金屬材料製程及特性分析
  • 陶瓷製程及材料設計/熱電材料
  • 磨潤技術
  • 破壞分析
  • 抗腐蝕工藝
  • 綠能科技/負碳技藝
  全部 自 2019 年
引文 1710 837
H 指數 23 18
i10 指數 41 34



  1. 國立交通大學材料科學與工程博士
  2. 國立成功大學機械工程碩士
  3. 國立成功大學機械工程學士


  1. 2014 ~ 國立成功大學 機械工程學系
  2. 2013-2014 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心
  3. 2012-2013 新一代生技有限公司 產品經理
  4. 2007-2012 億光電子工業股份有限公司 研發副理


  1. 2024 CSME工程論壇主持人
  2. 2024 CSME口頭報告主持人
  3. 2024 國際扶輪3461地區中華扶輪教育基金獎學金審查委員
  4. 2024 IMETI C5論壇主持人
  5. 2024 臺灣磨潤科技學會第五屆副理事長暨理事(2024/03/16-2026/03/15)
  6. 2023中華民國力學學會年會暨第四十七屆全國大學會議論壇主席
  7. 2023 第八屆台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會論壇主席
  8. 2022中華民國力學學會年會暨第四十六屆全國大學會議論壇主席
  9. 2022 第七屆台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會論壇主席
  10. 2022年國科會「大學生專題研究計畫」指導老師
  11. 臺灣磨潤科技學會第四屆理事(2021/01/23-2024/01/22)
  12. 台灣電漿科技協會第一二三屆理事(2016-2022/12/31)
  13. 國立成功大學師資培育中心分科教材教法/教學實習/教育實習授課教師(機械科) 2014-now
  14. 國立成功大學機械系系友會總幹事2017-now
  15. 大立光-成大機械獎助金指導老師 2020-now
  16. 國立自然科學博物館第一屆科學大使(2021-2023)
  17. 臺中文教扶輪社第二三屆社長(2019/07/01-2021/06/30)
  18. 2021年工學院110年度「大學生專題研究計畫」指導老師


  1. 2024 國立成功大學機械工程學系112學年度教學特優老師
  2. 2024 國立成功大學機械工程學系112學年度優良導師
  3. 2024 國立成功大學機械工程學系112學年度研究優良教師
  4. 2024 113年度中國機械工程學會高雄市分會 傑出機械教授獎
  5. 2023 國立成功大學機械工程學系111學年度教學特優老師
  6. 2023 國立成功大學機械工程學系111學年度優良導師
  7. 2023 國立成功大學機械工程學系111學年度研究優良教師
  8. 2022 國立成功大學機械工程學系110學年度研究優良教師
  9. 2022 國立成功大學機械工程學系110學年度優良導師
  10. 2022年臺灣綜合大學系統獎勵跨校短期研究-應用接枝抗菌高分子之奈米纖維素進行紫外光硬化水凝膠之製備(國立中山大學材料與光電科學學系 陳致光教授到成大機械研究)
  11. 2021 國立成功大學機械工程學系109學年度教學特優老師
  12. 2021 國立成功大學機械工程學系109學年度優良導師
  13. 2021年國立成功大學全校型-卓越學術研究補助
  14. 2020年臺灣綜合大學系統獎勵跨校短期研究-由生質資源製備具有生物應用功能之石墨烯量子點(國立中山大學材料與光電科學學系 陳致光教授)
  15. Best Industry-Academic Application Award: 2020 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2020) 2020/11/6-8
  16. 獲得2019年國立成功大學機械系研究優良獎
  17. Paper of Excellence: 2019 Journal of Materials Engineering Perf0Rmance
  18. Excellent Paper Award: 2019年International Thin Films Conference 2019 (TACT 2019)
  19. Best Poster Award: 2019年International Tribology Conference Sendai 2019 (ITC 2019)
  20. 2018年臺灣綜合大學系統獎勵跨校短期研究-農業廢棄物的纖維素提取技術(國立中興大學森林學系 彭元興教授)
  21. 2018年國立成功大學工學院明日之星獎助
  22. Best Young Investigat0R: 2016年International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2016 (ICETAT 2016)
  23. 獲得2015年國立成功大學機械系教學績優獎


  1. 指導大學生參與2024全國火星任務科展競賽,獲得第一名
  2. 指導大學生參與2024全國火星任務科展競賽,獲得佳作
  3. Shou-Ting Zheng, Yen-Kai Huang, Best Poster Award, International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2024
  4. Ming-Hao Xue, Hao Yo,Excellence Award, International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2024
  5. 指導研究生獲得2024全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽最佳產業應用獎
  6. 指導研究生獲得2024全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽佳作
  7. 指導研究生鍾岷樺獲得IronCAD第三名
  8. 指導大學生詹澄沅,黃冠騰,陳秉毅,陳昭宇參加2023全國火星任務競賽,獲得佳作
  9. 指導大學生吳聲賢,洪美仙,呂學品,陳玗廷參加2023全國火星任務競賽,獲得最佳人氣獎
  10. 指導學生鄭守廷獲得2023第六屆臺灣磨潤科技研討會-最佳產學應用獎
  11. 指導學生薛銘豪,王督毅,許永泰,蕭琨錡,周孟旻獲得2023全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽優等
  12. 指導學生林君翰,林琝潓,尤顥,王柏鈞,侯至謙2023全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽佳作
  13. 指導大學生黃雅曼,江芸淇,詹景瑋,粘乙仙獲得2022全國火星任務競賽第二名
  14. 指導學生羅允辰,蕭新翰,江承恩,翁偉傑,顏宏盛獲得2022 全國磨潤科技實務競賽第二名
  15. 指導學生饒閎維,康峻惟,陳俊瑋,鄭守廷,施育呈獲得全國磨潤科技實務競賽佳作
  16. 指導學生張淯翔,謝彥清獲得2022 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology研討會Best Poster Award
  17. 指導學生謝彥清獲得2022年台灣機電國際學會2022年會暨第七屆全國學術研討會(ISME 2022)最佳論文獎
  18. 2021指導學生陳信安獲得2021年第五屆台灣磨潤科技研討會最佳海報獎
  19. 2021指導學生陳信安獲得2021年第五屆台灣磨潤科技研討會磨潤科技特別獎
  20. 2021指導學生陳韻如、陳思綺、謝彥清、張淯翔、柯惇凱獲得2021年全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽佳作
  21. 2021 指導學生張宇文,陳韻如獲得台灣機電國際學會暨第六屆全國學術研討會福星熱能創意競賽第二名
  22. 2020 指導學生陳信安等獲得2020全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽最佳創意獎
  23. 2019指導學生劉冠廷獲得2019年第五屆旭泰論文獎科技論文競賽旭泰銅獎
  24. 2019指導學生黃柏瑋獲得2019年第四屆台灣磨潤科技研討會最佳海報獎
  25. 2019指導學生王偉丞獲得2019年第四屆台灣磨潤科技研討會磨潤科技特別獎
  26. 2019全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽第三名
  27. 2019指導學生彭耀慶獲得2019年國立成功大學107年度科林論文獎
  28. 2018指導學生蔡孝寧獲得2018年第四屆旭泰科技論文獎佳作
  29. 2018指導學生劉冠廷等獲得2018全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽最佳創意獎
  30. 2017指導學生蔡孝寧等獲得2017全國磨潤科技實務技術競賽優等獎
  31. 2017指導學生彭耀慶獲得2017年第三屆旭泰科技論文優良創意獎
  32. 2017指導學生彭耀慶獲得國立成功大學106年度科林論文獎
  33. 指導學生蘇傑璋獲得2016年International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2016 (ICETAT 2016) Best Poster Award
  34. 指導學生吳振宇獲得2016年第二屆旭泰科技論文優良創意獎

  1. 2024 International Conference on Engineeering Tribology adn Applied Technology (ICETAT 2024), 2024/10/18-20.
  2. 2024 Taiwan-Japan Tribology Symposium (TJTS 2024), 2024/10/18-20.
  3. The 3rd Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan (JPTK) International Symposium, Universitas Negeri Padang, 2024/09/05
  4. 2024 Malaysian International Tribology Conference (MITC 2024), Sabah, 2024/09/02-03
  5. 2024 The 50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024),San Diego, 2024/05/19-24.
  6. 2023 NAC 2023, 2023/11/17-11/20
  7. 2023 TACT 2023, 2023/11/12- 11/15
  8. 2023 International Tribology Conference, ITC Fukuoka 2023,2023/9/25-9/30
  9. 2023 MYTRIBOS symposium, 2023/08/24
  10. 2023 The Kyutech-NCKU Joint Workshop 2023/04/17
  11. 2023 1st International Symposium on Carbon Materials, ISCM-1, 2023/01/31-02/03
  12. Invited speaker: 2023 ICOMET 2023/1/8-1/11
  13. 2023 Light Conference: International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies 2023,2023/01/8-11
  14. 2022 1st Conference of Mechanical-Automotive Engineering (1st ICOMAE),2022/11/14 
  15. 2022 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology,2022/11/4-6 
  16. 2022 The 11th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2022,2022/10/28-11/1 
  17. 2022 The 4th MYTRIBOS International Symposium 2022,2022/8/16
  18. 2022 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (NAC 2022),2022/6/15-17
  19. 2021 MRST International Conference, MRSTIC 2021, 2021/11-13-17.
  20. 2021 International Thin Films Conference, TACT 2021, 2021/11/15-18.
  21. The 10th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2021, IMETI 2021. 2021/10-29-11/02.
  22. 2021 The 12th International Conference on Systematic Innovation, ICSI 2021, 2021/10/16-17.
  23. Shih-Chen Shi, Improvement of Hydrophobicity and Macro-scale Tribological  Perf0Rmance of HPMC composite films with Stearic Acid, The 3rd Malaysian International Tribology Conference (MITC 202ONE), 2021/7/5-6, 補助機構:MOST:109-2221-E-006 -046.
  24. Shih-Chen Shi, Sustainability and Circular Economy of Biopolymer, International Tribology Conference (ITC 2019), Sendai, Japan. 補助機構:MOST:106-2221-E-006 -092 -MY3. 2019/09/17-21
  25. Shih-Chen Shi (Invited speaker), Sustainability and Circular Economy of biopolymer, Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2019 (JTTS2019), Hachimantai Heights, Japan. 2019/09/14-17
  26. Shih-Chen Shi, Influence of graphene/copper hybrid nanoparticle additives on tribological properties of solid lubricants, TACT2019 International Thin Films Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/11/17-20
  27. Shih-Chen Shi, Tribological behavi0R and energy dissipation characteristics of hybrid nanoparticles-reinf0Rced HPMC composites in sliding system, TACT2019 International Thin Films Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/11/17-20
  28. Shih-Chen Shi, Xiao-Ning Tsai, Effect of Nanoparticle Additive on the Load Capacity of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Composite, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019 (IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2019/11/15-19
  29. Shih-Chen Shi, Ting-Wei Chang, Tribology Behavi0R of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Modified Zirconia in Collagen/HPMC Hybrid Lubricant, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019 (IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2019/11/15-19
  30. Shih-Chen Shi, Shia-Seng Pek, Third Body and Dissipation Energy in Green Tribology Film, International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2019 (ICATI 2019), Sapp0Ro, Hokkaido, Japan. 2019/07/15-18
  31. Shih-Chen Shi, Kar-Peng Goh, Shao-Zhe Jiang, Study of HPMC Composite Solution with Copper-Graphene Nanoparticles on Mechanical and Electrical Properties, The 13th New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference 2019 (NDNC 2019), Hualien, Taiwan.2019/5/12-17
  32. Shih-Chen Shi, Chia-Feng Hsieh, Mechanical properties and anti-wear behavi0R of Nanocrystalline cellulose reinf0Rced polylactic acid composites, The 2nd International Conference ​on Nanomaterials and ​Advanced Composites 2019 (NAC 2019), Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/08/10-11
  33. Shih-Chen Shi (Invited speaker), Sustainable material and its application, Taiwan-Japan Tribology Symposium 2018 (TJTS2018), Taipei, Taiwan.
  34. Shih-Chen Shi, Shia-Seng Pek, Enhancement of tribological perf0Rmance of hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose composite films with Cu and CuO nanoparticles, Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018 (ASIATRIB 2018), Kuching, Malaysia.
  35. Shih-Chen Shi, Xiao-Ning Tsai, Guan-Ting Liu, Shih-Yu Hsu, Studies on tribological properties of Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) composite film with nanoparticles and effects of nanoparticle size and shape, International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2018 (ICETAT 2018), Taipei, Taiwan.
  36. Shih-Chen Shi, Shu-Wen Yang, Guan-Ting Liu, Shih-Yu Hsu, Study on the synergy between Erythrosine and gold nanoparticles in photodynamic inactivation, International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2018 (ICETAT 2018), Taipei, Taiwan.
  37. Shih-Chen Shi, Shia-Seng Pek, Guan-Ting Liu, Shih-Yu Hsu, Third-body observation on Green Lubricant/Additive System, International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2018 (ICETAT 2018), Taipei, Taiwan.
  38. Shih-Chen Shi, Chieh-Chang Su, Electrochemical Properties, of Biopolymers in Strong Acid, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2018 (IMETI 2018), Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  39. Shih-Chen Shi, Pramod Kumar Mandal, Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Composite Film with MoS2 nanoparticles , International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2018 (IMETI 2018), Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  40. Shih-Chen Shi, Ting-Wei Chang, FTIR Study of the Structural Properties and Tribological Characteristics of Collagen, Light Conference: International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies 2018 (ICOMET 2018), Taitung, Taiwan.
  41. Shih-Chen Shi, Ting-Wei Chang, FTIR Study of the Surface Properties and Tribological Behavi0Rs of Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Modified Zirconia and UHMWPE Surfaces, Light Conference: International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies 2018 (ICOMET 2018), Taitung, Taiwan.
  42. Shih-Chen Shi, Pramod-Kumar-Mandal, Shao-Zhe Jiang, Mechanical Properties of Biopolymer Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose/Additives Composite Films, TACT2017 International Thin Films Conference, Hualien, Taiwan.
  43. Shih-Chen Shi, Pramod Kumar Mandal, Su-Wen Yang, Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Biopolymer Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Films with Additives, TACT2017 International Thin Films Conference, Hualien, Taiwan.
  44. Shih-Chen Shi (Invited speaker), Yao-Qing Peng, Carbonhydrate Polymer Lubrication with Stearic Acid, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2017 (IMETI 2017), Hualien, Taiwan.
  45. Shih-Chen Shi1, Ting-Wei Chang, Shao-Zhe Jiang, Zirconia Surface Modification by Low Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasma: Application in Total Knee Arthroplasty, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Plasma Technology 2017 (APSTP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan.

  1. 2024 中國機械工程學會第41屆全國學術研討會 (CSME 2024)
  2. 2023 中國機械工程學會第40屆全國學術研討會 (CSME 2023)
  3. 2023 中華民國力學學會年會暨第四十七屆全國大學會議
  4. 2022 中國機械工程學會第39屆全國學術研討會 (CSME 2022),2022/12/2-3
  5. 2022 中華民國力學學會年會暨第四十六屆全國大學會議,2022/11/18-19
  6. 2022 台灣機電工程國際學會2022年會暨第七屆全國學術研討會 (ISME 2022),2022/4/22-23 
  7. 2021 第5屆臺灣磨潤科技研討會,CTTT 2021,2021/10/29-31.
  8. 2021 中國機械工程學會第38屆全國學術研討會 (CSME 2021),2022/12/3-4
  9. 2021 陶瓷高溫防護及應用研討會,2021/09/24. 
  10. 2021 ISME 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會,2021/05/28-29.
  11. 2021台灣過濾與分離學會年會研討會,2021/12/2.
  1. 國立高雄科技大學機械系專題演講,2024/12/3,2024/12/10
  2. 國立勤益科技大學專題演講,2023/03/01
  3. 虎尾科技大學專題演講,2022/11/10
  4. 國立高雄科技大學專題演講,2022/10/14,2022/11/18
  5. 台中市立東山高級中學:高二大學學群與職業發展講座,20220616
  6. 台中市華盛頓高級中學:工程學群升學輔導活動-專家指導講師,20220429。
  7. 台中市私立弘文高級中學: 高中生生涯探索,2022/04/09
  8. 國立彰化高中大學學群暨產業趨勢講座,2022/04/08
  9. 國立臺灣科技大學專題演講,20220301
  10. 國立中山大學材料光電系專題演講,20191009
  11. 國立交通大學機械系專題演講,20190420
  1. 2024全國火星任務科展競賽
  2. 2024 IronCAD創新設計獎
  3. 2023全國火星任務競賽
  4. 聯發科技《智在家鄉》創新競賽
  5. 2021智慧永續循環技術專題競賽
  6. 2021麗偉基金會能源暨工程創意競賽
  7. 2021華立創新材料大賽
  8. 2021全國磨潤競賽
  9. 2022全國火星任務競賽
  • 機械材料
  • 機械製造
  • 材料選擇與設計
  • 電工學/電子學
  • 機械材料分析
  • 現代磨潤學
  • 計算機概論
  • 材料特論/材料理論
  1. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Hyun-Joong Kim, bHairul Abral*, Muhammad Aldi Pratama, Razan Muhammad Railis, Robi Kurniawan, Sri Rizki Putri Primandari, Shih-Chen Shi, Melbi Mahardik, 2025/01/14, Synergistic effects of Uncaria gambir and zinc oxide in polyvinyl alcohol films for enhanced UV and blue light shielding, antimicrobial properties, and hydrophobicity: improving application performance in sustainable packaging and protective eyewear, RSC Advances, 2025, 15, 2766-2778. (SCI). 
  2. Shih-Chen Shi, Wei-Chieh Weng, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2025/01/09, Optimizing electrical and mechanical  properties via intermetallics distribution in Cu–Al spot welding, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2025, 58, 105305. (SCI). 施士塵為第一作者及唯一通訊作者。
  3. Dieter  Rahmadiawan,  Shih-Chen  Shi*,  Wei-Ting  Zhuang,  Eko  Indrawan,  Yolli Fernanda, Budi Syahri, Irzal, 2024/12/31, Enhanced durability and  tribological    performance    of    polyvinyl alcohol/layered   double   hydroxide/tannic   acid   composites   under repeated swelling cycles, Teknomekanik,2024, 7 (2) 101-111. (EI) 主持人為唯一通訊作者。
  4. Guan-Ting Liu, Shih-Chen Shi*, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/11/20, Revolutionizing polymethyl methacrylate toughness: Achieving 190% improvement with nanocellulose reinforcement while maintaining optical clarity, Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan 2024, 7 (4) 229-237. (EI). 作者為唯一通訊作者。
  5. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Shih-Chen Shi*, Wei-Ting Zhuang, 2024/11/11, Reinforcing Polyvinyl Alcohol Films with Layered Double Hydroxide and Tannic Acid to Enhance Tensile Strength, Tribological Performance, and Corrosion Resistance in Biomedical Coating Applications, Materials Research Express, 2024, 11, 115302. (SCI). 作者為唯一通訊作者。
  6. Chia-Feng Hsieh, Shih-Chen Shi*,  Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/11/02, Enhanced tribological performance of  PLA/CNC  composites:  A comparison with phenolic resin and nylon, Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer, 2024, 3 (3), 181-188. (Indonesia Index). 作者為唯一通訊作者。
  7. Shih-Chen Shi*, Shou-Ting Cheng, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 20241016, Developing biomimetic PVA/PAA hydrogels with cellulose nanocrystals inspired by tree frog structures for superior wearable sensor functionality, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2024, 379, 115981. (SCI). 作者為第一作者及唯一通訊作者。
  8. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Hairul Abral*, Muhammad Adlan Azka, S. M. Sapuan, Ratna Isnanita Admi, Shih-Chen Shi, Rahadian Zainul, Azril, Ahmad Zikri,  Melbi Mahardika, 2024/09/18, Enhanced properties of TEMPO-oxidized bacterial cellulose films via eco-friendly non-pressurized hot water vapor treatment for sustainable and smart food packaging, RSC Advances, 2024, 14, 29624-29635. (SCI). 
  9. Shih-Chen Shi*, Tao-Hsing Chen, Chih-Chia Wang, Hao-Fu Zhang, Yue-Feng Lin, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/09/05, Dissipation Energy as a Method for Sensing the Tribology Mechanism, Sensors and Materials, 2024, 36 (9), 3787-3796. (SCI). 作者為第一作者及唯一通訊作者。
  10. Shih-Chen Shi*, Dun-Kai Ko, 2024/09/05, Optimizing Sensor-grade High-strength Low-alloy Steel: Effects of Cyclic Heat Treatment, Sensors and Materials, 2024, 36 (9), 3767-3778. (SCI). 作者為第一作者及唯一通訊作者。
  11. Tzu-Teng Huang, Dieter Rahmadiawan, Shih-Chen Shi*, 2024/08/05, Synthesis and characterization of porous silica and composite films for enhanced CO₂ adsorption: A circular economy approach, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 32, 1460-1468. 作者為唯一通訊作者。
  12. Shih-Chen Shi*, Chia-Feng Hsieh, and Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/06/11, Enhancing mechanical properties of polylactic acid through the incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals for engineering plastic applications, Teknomekanik, 2024, 7 (1)  20. (EI) 
  13. Shih-Chen Shi*, Chia-Feng Hsieh,and Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2025/05/27, Enhancing biodegradable polymer surface wettability properties through atmospheric plasma treatmsurfaent and nanocellulose incorporation, Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan 2024, 7 (2) 115. (EI).
  14. Chi-Fan Liu, Shih-Chen Shi, Wei-Ming Huang, Tao-Hsing Chen, 2024/05, Mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiV high-entropy alloys with di®erent Cu element contents under different strain rates, Modern Physics Letters B, 2024, 224100. (SCI). 主持人為第二作者。
  15. Dieter Rahmadiawana, Hairul Abral, Ilham Chayri Iby, Hyun-Joong Kim, Kwang Hyun Ryu,Ho-Wook Kwack, Razan Muhammad Raili, Eni Sugiarti, Ahmad Novi Muslimin, Dian Handayani, Khiky Dwinatrana, Shih-Chen Shi, Rahadian Zainul, Rahmat Azis Nabawi, 2024/05, Effect of Post-Heat Treatment on the UV Transmittance, Hydrophobicity, and Tensile Properties of PVA/Uncaria gambir Extract Blend Films, Heliyon, 2024, 10, e30748. (SCI).
  16. Dieter Rahmadiawan,Shih-Chen Shi*, 2024/04, Enhanced Stability, Superior Anti‑Corrosive, and Tribological Performance of Al2O3 Water‑based Nanofluid Lubricants with Tannic Acid and Carboxymethyl Cellulose over SDBS as Surfactant, Scientific Reports, 2024, 14, 9217, SCI. 主持人為唯一通訊作者。
  17. Shih-Chen Shi*, Xiao-Ning Tsai, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/03, Enhancing the Tribological Performance of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Composite Coatings through Nano-sized Metal and Oxide Additives: A Comparative Study, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2024,483,130712, SCI. 主持人為第一作者及通訊作者。
  18. Shih-Chen Shi*, Sing-Wei Ouyang, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/03, Cellulose Circular Economy: Development of a Photodynamic Antibacterial Cellulose Nanocrystal Biopolymer Coating, Polymers, 2024, 16, 960, SCI. 主持人為第一作者及通訊作者。
  19. Shih-Chen Shi*, Fu-I Lu, Chia-Yih Wang, Yan-Ting Chen, Kah-Wei Tee, Ruei-Ci Lin, Hui-Ling Tsai, Dieter Rahmadiawan, 2024/03, Rice straw-derived chitosan-enhanced plasticizers as biologically and environmentally friendly alternatives for sustainable materials, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 264, 130574 (SCI). 主持人為第一作者及通訊作者。
  20. Hung-Sheng Yen, Jen-Fin Lin , Shih-Chen Shi* , Hao-Tung Lin, Jung-Chang Chiu, 2024/02, Improvement of mid-temperature ZT in a Bi-Se-Te via a two two-step Sintering process, Materials Research Express,  2024, 11, 026304 (SCI).主持人為唯一通訊作者
  21. Shih-Chen Shi∗, Xin-Xing Zeng, 2024/02, Silica silanization graft-strengthening bone cement poly(methyl methacrylate): process and dynamic mechanical properties, Materials Research Express, 2024, 11, 025005 (SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  22. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Shih-Chen Shi, Hairul Abral, Mohammad Khalid Ilham, Eni Sugiarti, Ahmad Novi Muslimin, R.A Ilyas, Remon Lapisa, Nandy Setiadi Djaya Putra, 2024/01, Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Different Preparation Methods on the Properties of TEMPO-Oxidized Bacterial Cellulose Powder, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2024, 21 (1), 2301386. (SCI).
  23. Ming-Zheng Huang, Parag Parashar, An-Rong Chen, Shih-Chen Shi, Yao-Hsuan Tseng, Kee Chin Lim, Hsuan-Yu Yeh, Arnab Pal, Dun-Yen Kang, Zong-Hong Lin, 2024/01, Snake-scale stimulated robust biomimetic composite triboelectric layer for energy harvesting and smart health monitoring, Nano Energy, 2024, 122, 109266. (SCI). 
  24. Dieter Rahmadiawan*, Shih-Chen Shi, Zahrul Fuadi, Hairul Abral, Nandy Putra, Ridho Irwansyah, Dedison Gasni, Andhy M. Fathoni, 2023/12, Experimental investigation on stability, tribological, viscosity, and thermal conductivity of MXene/Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) water-based nanofluid lubricant, Jurnal Tribologi, 2023, 39, 36-50.
  25. Shih-Chen Shi, Xin-An Chen, 2023/12, Cellulose Circular Economy: Amino-Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots as Highly Sensitive Vaccine Indicators, Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 206, 117694. (SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  26. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Hairul Abral, Mohammad Khalid Ilham, Poppy Puspitasari, Rahmat Azis Nabawi, Shih-Chen Shi, Eni Sugiarti, Ahmad Novi Muslimin, Devi Chandra, R.A. Ilyas, Rahadian Zainul, 2023/09, Enhanced UV blocking, tensile and thermal properties of bendable TEMPO-oxidized bacterial cellulose powder-based films immersed in PVA/Uncaria gambir/ZnO solution, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26, 5566-5575. (SCI).
  27. Shih-Chen Shi, Xin-Xing Zeng, Tao-Hsing Chen, Chia-Chia Wang, Yue-Feng Lin, 2023/08, SiO2-reinforced Poly (methyl methacrylate): Tribology Performance as Service Life Sensor, Sensors and Materials, 2023, 35, 8, 2845-2854. (SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  28. Shih-Chen Shi, Chi-Fan Liu, Tzu-Tung Fang, Tao-Hsing Chen, 2023/07, Effects of Mn addition on mechanical properties, fracture surface, and electrochemical corrosion resistance of CoCrFeNiAl high-entropy alloys, Materials Research Express, 2023, 10, 7, 074002. (SCI). 主持人為第一作者。
  29. Dieter Rahmadiawan, Hairul Abral, Shih-Chen Shi, Tzu-Teng Huang, Rahadian Zainul, Ambiyar, Hendri Nurdin, 2023/06, Tribological Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract Composite as Potential Green Protective Film, Tribology in Industry, 2023, 45, 2, 367-374. (EI). 主持人為第三作者。
  30. Chi-Fan Liu, Shih-Chen Shi, Ting-Ting Sun, and Tao-Hsing Chen, 2023/03, Glass formation ability and physical properties of Fe–B–Y bulk metallic glass alloys with different Nb contents, Modern Physics Letters B, 2023, 37,18, 2340030. (SCI). 主持人為第二作者
  31. Shih-Chen Shi*, Po-Wei Huang, Chih-Chia Wang, Tao-Hsing Chen, 2023/03, Integrated atmospheric microplasma with ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposition of aluminum-doped zinc oxide, Modern Physics Letters B, 2023, 2023, 37, 16, 2340008 (SCI)主持人為唯一通訊作者。
  32. Shih-Chen Shi*, Shu-Wen Yang, Yu-Chen Xu, Fu-I Lu, 2023/02, The Synergic Effect of Erythrosine and Gold Nanoparticles in Photodynamic Inactivation,  Sustainability 2023, 15(4), 3621. (SCI)主持人為唯一通訊作者。
  33. Chun-Tu Chou, Shih-Chen Shi*, Tao-Hsing Chen, Chih-Kuang Chen, 202301, Nanocellulose-reinforced, multilayered poly(vinyl alcohol)-based hydrophobic composites as an alternative sealing film, Science Progress 2023, 106(1). (SCI) 主持人為唯一通訊作者。
  34. Sung-Lin Tu, Chih-Kuang Chen*, Shih-Chen Shi *, Jason Hsiao Chun Yang*, 2022/12/15, Plasma-Induced Graft Polymerization of Polyethylenimine onto Chitosan/Polycaprolactone Composite Membrane f0R Heavy Metal Pollutants Treatment in IndustrialWastewater, Coatings, 2022, 12, 1966. (SCI)。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  35. Shih-Chen Shi*, Xiao-Ning Tsai, 2022/12/15, Cellulose derivative as protection coating: Effect of nanoparticle additives on load capacity, Teknomekanik, 2022, 5, 90-96.主持人為唯一通訊作者
  36. Chi-Fan Liu, Shih-Chen Shi, Tao-Hsing Chen,*, Guan-Lin Guo, 2022/11/, Effect of Annealing Temperatures on Optical and Electrical Properties of TiO2/Mo Multilayer Films f0R Photosens0R Applications, Sens0Rs and Materials, 2022, 11, 4127-4136. (SCI).
  37. Shih-Chen Shi*, Shia-Seng Pek, Yue-Feng Lin, Tribology behavi0R of aluminum and alumina/MoS2/cellulose derivative composite, Materials Research Express. 2022, 9, 114001. (SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者.
  38. Shih-Chen Shi, Chi-Feng Lin, Chi-Fan Liu, Tao-Hsing Chen, Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose/PMMA Composite, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2022, 30, 1-11. (SCI).主持人為第一作者。.
  39. Tzer-Liang Hu, Guan-Yu Chen, Shih-Chen Shi * , Jason Hsiao Chun Yang*,2022/10, Plasma-Initiated Grafting of Bioactive Peptide onto Nano-CuO/Tencel Membrane, Polymers, 2022, 14, 4497 (SCI)。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  40. Shih-Chen Shi *, Xin-Xing Zeng, 2022/09,Effect of the strengthening mechanism of SiO2 reinf0Rced poly(methyl
    methacrylate) on ductility perf0Rmance, Journal of Polymer Research, 2022, 29, 408. (Q2,SCI)。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  41. Shih-Chen Shi *, Yu-Wen Chang, 2022/06,Biofriendly chitosan-based high-efficiency dialysis membrane,Progress in 0Rganic Coatings, 2022, 170, 106981. (Q1, SCI)。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  42. Shih-Chen Shi,* Jian-An Chen, Yue-Feng Lin, and Chih-Chia Wang, 2022/06, Electrical Properties of Spin-coated Indium Tin Oxide
    f0R Photosens0R Applications, Sens0Rs and Materials, 2022, 6, 2053. (Q4, SCI)。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  43. Shih-Chen Shi* and Ting-Wei Chang,2022/06,Cellulose/Collagen Hybrid Lubricant in Artificial Knee Joint as a Potential Service Life Sens0R,Sens0Rs and Materials, 2022, 6, 2045. (Q4, SCI) 。主持人為唯一通訊作者
  44. Shih-Chen Shi*, We--Cheng Wang, Dun-Kai Ko, 2022/01, Influence of Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in Flash Butt Welding Joint of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel, Metals, 2022, 12 (2), 242. https://doi.0Rg/10.3390/met12020242. (Q2, SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  45. Chun-Tu Chou, Shih-Chen Shi*, Chih-Kuang Chen, 2021/12, Sandwich-Structured, Hydrophobic, Nanocellulose-Reinf0Rced Polyvinyl Alcohol as an Alternative Straw Material, Polymers, 2021, 13, 4447. (Q1, SCI).主持人為唯一通訊作者
  46. Shih-Chen Shi*, Yao-Qing Peng, 2021/12, Hydrophobicity and Macroscale Tribology Behavi0R of Stearic Acid/Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Dual-Layer Composite, Materials, 2021, 14, 7707.(Q1, SCI) 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  47. Shih-Chen Shi *, Pramod Kumar Mandal, Tao-Hsing Chen, Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavi0R of MoS2-Enhanced Cellulose-Based Biocomposites f0R Food Packaging, Polymers, 2021/06/01, 13, 1838. (Q1, SCI) 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  48. Shih-Chen Shi*, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Phthalate Biopolymer as an Antic0Rrosion Coating, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2021/08/10 (1.756, 24/29Q4, SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  49. Shih-Chen Shi*, Guan-Ting Liu, Cellulose nanocrystal extraction FR0M rice straw using a chl0Rine-free bleaching process, Cellulose 2021 (3.5%, Q1, SCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  50. Yung-Chen Cheng, Hsiang-Chen Wang, Ho-Chine Lai, Shih-Chen Shi, Chi-Chung Chen, Yu-Feng Yao, Chih-Chung (C.C.) Yang, Wide range variation of resonance wavelength of GaZnO plasmonic metamaterials grown by molecular beam epitaxy with slight modification of Zn effusion cell temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 870, 159434. (10%,Q1,SCI) 
  51. Shih-Chen Shi *, Chih-Chia Wang, Yung-Chen Cheng, Yue-Feng Lin, 2020/12, Surface Characterization and Tribological Behavi0R of Graphene-Reinf0Rced Cellulose Composites Prepared by Large-Area Spray Coating on Flexible Substrate, Coatings, 2020, 10, 1176. (SCI) 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  52. Shih-Chen Shi*, Chieh-Chang Su, 2020/7, Electrochemical behavi0R of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate as novel biopolymeric antic0Rrosion coating, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 248, 122929. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 3.40, Ranking: 115/314, Materials science, multidisciplinary). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  53. Shih-Chen Shi*, Tao-Hsing Chen, Pramod Kumar Mandal, 2020/5, Enhancing the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Cellulose Nanocomposites with Aluminum Nanoadditives, Polymers, 2020, 12, 1246. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 3.42, Ranking: 16/89, Polymer Science). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  54. Shih-Chen Shi*, Shao-Zhe Jiang, 2020/5, Influence of graphene/copper hybrid nanoparticle additives on tribological properties of solid cellulose lubricants, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 389, 125655. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 3.78, Rank 3/21, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  55. Shih-Chen Shi*, Xiao-Ning Tsai, Shia-Seng Pek, 2020/5, Tribological behavi0R and energy dissipation of hybrid nanoparticle-reinf0Rced HPMC composites during sliding wear, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 389, 125617. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 3.78, Rank 3/21, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  56. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jason Hsiao Chun Yang, 2020/3, Preparation of stable biopolymer composite suspension with metal/metal-oxide nanoparticles, Modern Physics Letters B, 2020, 34, 2040028. (SCI, Impact Fact0R 1.22, Ranking 34/55, Physics, Mathematical). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  57. Shih-Chen Shi*, Yao-Qing Peng, 2020/1, Preparation and tribological studies of stearic acid-modified biopolymer coating, Progress in 0Rganic Coatings, 2019, 138, 105304, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 3.420, Ranking 2/20, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  58. Shih-Chen Shi*, Shia-Seng Pek, 2019/09/10, Third-Body and Dissipation Energy in Green Tribology Film, Applied Science, 2019, 9, 3787, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.217, Ranking 67/148, PHYSICS, APPLIED).  主持人為唯一通訊作者
  59. Shih-Chen Shi*, 2019/03/20, Electrochemical Properties of Biopolymers in Strong Acid and Application in Displacement Sens0R, Sens0Rs and Materials, 2019, 31, 1599-1608, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 0.519, Ranking 245/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  60. Shih-Chen Shi*, Ting-Wei Chang, 2018/11/09, FTIR study of the surface properties and tribological behavi0Rs of plasma‑modified UHMWPE and zirconia, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2018 50:440, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 1.055, Ranking 193/262, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  61. Shih-Chen Shi*, Ting-Wei Chang, 2018/11/09, FTIR and Raman study of the structural properties and tribological characteristics of collagen,Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2018 50:438, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 1.055, Ranking 193/262, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  62. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, Yao-Qing Peng, 2018/5/30, Transfer layer f0Rmation in MoS2/Hydropropyl methylcellulose composite, Wear, 2018, 408-409, 208. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 2.531, Rank 28/130, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  63. Shih-Chen Shi*, Teng-Feng Huang, 2018/3/15, Effects of temperature and humidity on self-healing behaviour of biopolymer hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose f0R ecotribology, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, 350, 997. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 2.589, Rank 4/19, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  64. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, 2018/2/20, Deagglomeration and tribological properties of MoS2/hydroxypropyl methylcellulose composite thin film, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018 350, 1045. (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 2.589, Rank 4/19, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  65. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, 2018/03/09, Enhancement Mechanism f0R Carbohydrate Polymer Green Lubricant, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2018, 26, 1, 85 (SCI, Impact Fact0R 0.25, Ranking 32/33, MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  66. Shih-Chen Shi*, Wen-Ke Huang, 2017/11/24, Evaluation of Photodynamic Inactivation Efficiency Using Conventional and Dec0Rative Light-Emitting Diode Lamps, Sens0Rs and Materials, 2017, 29, 1569, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 0.519, Ranking 245/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  67. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, 2017/11/24, Parameter Effect on Tribology Perf0Rmance of Biopolymer Composite Green Lubricant, Sens0Rs and Materials, 2017, 29, 1491, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 0.519, Ranking 245/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  68. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, 2017/07/29, MoS2 Additives f0R Enhancing Tribological Perf0Rmance of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Biopolymer, Smart Science, 2017, 5, 167, (ESCI). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  69. Shih-Chen Shi*, Teng-Feng Huang, 2017/1/22, Self-healing Materials f0R Ecotribology, Materials, 2017, 10, 91, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.654, Ranking 82/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  70. Shih-Chen Shi*, Teng-Feng Huang, 2016/11/11, Raman study of HPMC biopolymer transfer layer f0Rmation under tribology test, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016 48:532, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 1.055, Ranking 193/262, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  71. Shih-Chen Shi*, 2016/10/21, Tribological Perf0Rmance of Green Lubricant Enhanced by Sulfidation IF-MoS2, Materials, 2016, 9, 856 (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.728, Ranking 63/271, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  72. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, Teng-Feng Huang, 2016/9/30, Raman, FTIR, and XRD study of MoS2 enhanced hydroxypropyl methylcellulose green lubricant, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016 48:474, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 1.055, Ranking 193/262, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  73. Shih-Chen Shi*, Chieh-Chang Su, 2016/7/23, C0Rrosion Inhibition of High Speed Steel by Biopolymer HPMC Derivatives, Materials, 2016, 9, 612, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.654, Ranking 82/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  74. Shih-Chen Shi*, Fu-I Lu, 2016/5/5, Biopolymer green lubricant f0R sustainable manufacturing, Materials, 2016, 9(5), 338, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.654, Ranking 82/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  75. Shih-Chen Shi*, Jhen-Yu Wu, Teng-Feng Huang, Yao-Qing Peng, 2016 /3/22, Improving the tribological perf0Rmance of biopolymer coating with MoS2 additive, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 303, pp. 250-255, 2016, (SCI, Impact Fact0R: 2.589, Rank 4/19, MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  76. Shih-Chen Shi*, Teng-Feng Huang, 2015/4/14, Preparation and Tribological Study of Biodegradable Lubrication Films on Si Substrate, Materials, 2015, 8, 1738-1751, (SCI, Impact Fact0R 2.654, Ranking 82/275, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 
  77. Shih-Chen Shi*, Luminescence properties of wurtzite AlN nanotips. ApPhL 89, 163127 (2006). 主持人為唯一通訊作者
  78. Shih-Chen Shi*, S. Chattopadhyay, C.-F. Chen, K.-H. Chen, L.-C. Chen, Structural evolution of AlN nano- structures: Nanotips and nan0Rods. CPL 418, 152-157 (2006). 
  79. S. Chattopadhyay et al., Self-se1ected apex angle distribution in aluminum nitride and indium nitride nanotips. ApPhL 89, 143105 (2006). 
  80. Shih-Chen Shi*., Growth of Single‐Crystalline Wurtzite Aluminum Nitride Nanotips with a Self‐se1ective Apex Angle. Adv. Funct. Mater. 15, 781-786 (2005). 
  81. Shih-Chen Shi*, C.-F. Chen, S. Chattopadhyay, K.-H. Chen, L.-C. Chen, Field emission FR0M quasi-aligned aluminum nitride nanotips. ApPhL 87, 073109-073109-073103 (2005). 
  82. S. Chattopadhyay et al., Molecular sensing with ultrafine silver crystals on hexagonal aluminum nitride nan0Rod templates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 2820-2821 (2005). 
  83. L. Trinkler et al., UV light induced luminescence processes in AlN nanotips and ceramics. Physica status solidi (c) 2, 334-338 (2005). 
  84. Shih-Chen Shi*, Reduced temperature-quenching of photoluminescence FR0M indium nitride nanotips grown by metal0Rganic chemical vap0R deposition. ApPhL 87, 203103 (2005). 
  85. Y.-C. Cheng et al., Effects of interfacial layers in InGaN∕GaN quantum-well structures on their optical and nanostructural properties. JAP 98, 014317 (2005). 
  86. C.-M. Chen et al., Purification of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by microwave digestion method. DRM 13, 1182-1186 (2004). 
  87. C.-L. Lin, C.-F. Chen, S.-C. Shi, Field emission properties of aligned carbon nanotubes grown on stainless steel using CH4/CO2 reactant gas. DRM 13, 1026-1031 (2004). 
  88. Z. Lan et al., Growth mechanism, structure and IR photoluminescence studies of indium nitride nan0Rods. JCrGr 269, 87-94 (2004). 
  89. Y.-C. Cheng et al., Nanostructures and carrier localization behavi0Rs of green-luminescence InGaN/GaN quantum-well structures of various silicon-doping conditions. ApPhL 84, 2506-2508 (2004). 
  90. C. Hsu, S. Shi, C. Chen, Growth of chromium carbide capped–carbon nanotip using bias-assisted microwave plasma chemical vap0R deposition. TSF 469, 131-134 (2004). 
  91. C.-L. Lin, C.-F. Chen, S.-C. Shi, Field emission properties of aligned carbon nanotubes grown on stainless steel using CH 4/CO 2 reactant gas. DRM 13, 1026-1031 (2004). 
  92. M. Chen, C.-M. Chen, S.-C. Shi, C.-F. Chen, Low-temperature synthesis multiwalled carbon nanotubes by microwave plasma chemical vap0R deposition using CH4–CO2 gas mixture. JJAP 42, 614 (2003).
  93. 施士塵,LED application in h0Rticulture, LED w0Rld (2012).
  94. 施士塵,LED于特殊照明領域的新應用,中國照明(2011).
  95. 施士塵,LED科技與農業擦撞將是怎麼的光景,農訓雜誌(2011).
(A) 科技部計畫
  1. 固碳新思惟-天然高分子固碳技術開發:多孔複合薄膜製備、負碳與空氣淨化技術及機械拉伸、磨潤與材料性質最佳化, NSTC 113-2221-E-006 -112 -MY2
  2. 高靈敏可拉伸自供電生物高分子基複合材料傳感器開發: 機械材料感應器特性分析及磨潤行為的優化, NSTC 113-2221-E-006 -087 -MY2
  3. 低溫型熱電材料技術的開發:聲子液體電子晶體與熱電複合材料系統的技術創新與發展, NSTC 113-2221-E-006-116
  4. 新型中溫熱電材料關鍵技術開發: 奈米合金技術及石墨烯阻障層技術開發 NSTC 112-2221-E-006-173
  5. 薄膜太陽能電池運用ITO:Zr與薄膜熱能發電機整合光熱電發電系統之研究 111-2221-E-006 -133 
  6. 天然高分子幾丁聚醣應用於農藥和塑膠微粒檢測之綠色製程開發及其機械磨潤特性與碎型理論模擬之研究 111-2221-E-006 -145 -
  7. PMMA多元添加物強化複合塗層應用於鈦合金人工關節表面之製程開發及其機械特性與強化機制之研究 111-2221-E-006 -147 -MY2
  8. 高強度、低氣體穿透性、自然抗菌的奈米強化塗層材料開發及其機械及磨潤特性研究     MOST 110-2221-E-006-150
  9.  ITO靶材的表面行為,耐磨耗性能和三體理論之研究 MOST 109-2221-E-006-046
  10. 超高射頻電漿化學氣相沉積大面積導電鑽石膜製程與設備研發(3/3) MOST 109-2622-E-009-001 -CC3
  11.  超高射頻電漿化學氣相沉積大面積導電鑽石膜製程與設備研發(2/3)          共同主持人     MOST 108-2622-E-009-001 -CC2
  12.  奈米石墨烯-羥丙基甲基纖維素複合材料製備,磨潤特性及機械、生醫、電性和抗蝕研究          MOST 106-2221-E-006 -092 -MY3
  13.  超高射頻電漿化學氣相沉積大面積導電鑽石膜製程與設備研發(1/3)          共同主持人     MOST 107-2622-E-009-001 -CC1
  14.  具有導電、傳熱、耐腐蝕及綠色磨潤多功能複合薄膜材料製備及磨潤特性研究 MOST 105-2221-E-006-069
  15.  過渡金屬雙硫化物及生物相容奈米流體複合材料的製備及磨潤特性研究 MOST 104-2221-E-006-057
  16.  類石墨烯奈米複合強化材料之製備及機械性質和磨潤性能研究 MOST 103-2218-E-006-026
(B) 產學計畫
  1. 台積電產學 2024/3/1-2025/2
  2. 台達電產學 2024/3/1-2025/2
  3. 台積電產學 2023/3/1-2024/2
  4. 台達電產學 2023/3/1-2024/2
  5. Ceramic fracture model 2021/3-2022/3
  6.  通用高效馬達鐵芯衝黏技術開發之馬達鐵芯結構特性與模擬分析檢測 2020/4-2023/3
  7.  陶瓷粉末與漿料分散效果驗證 2020/1-2021/9
  8.  閃焊製程關鍵技術研究  2020/10-2021/9
  9.  閃焊製程材料分析與顯微組織之研究 2019/10-2020/7
  10.  Coolgrow inter and coolgrow linear design  2019/07
(C) 國際合作計畫
  1. 2021年SATU-Cellulose extraction FR0M the nature
(D) 大專生專題計畫
  1. 2022科技部大專生專題計畫 111-2813-C-006-071-E 3D列印虹膜應用纖維素強化矽膠的機械性質研究
  2. 2021國立成功大學全校型推動大學部學生參與研究補助計畫110CFA0900229:透明導電薄膜奈米壓痕試驗的機械模型分析及磨潤特性研究
  3. 2020:科技部大專生專題計畫109-2813-C-006-024-E:天然纖維素強化人工牙材三氧礦化合物研究
  1. 一種塗佈奈米微粒於基材的設備及其製造方法, I599271, 台灣智慧財產局, 2017-05-11
  2. 決定光源個數的方法, I419001, 台灣智慧財產局, 2013-01-11
  3. 燈具, D152552, 台灣智慧財產局, 2015-01-11
  4. 植物培養裝置, I383741, 台灣智慧財產局, 2012-05-21
  5. 燈具, D150882, 台灣智慧財產局, 2014-12-11
  6. 化妝盒, I375537, 台灣智慧財產局, 2011-12-11
  7. 美容燈, D149125, 台灣智慧財產局, 2014-05-11
  8. 燈具, D148598, 台灣智慧財產局, 2013-11-11
  9. 照明燈具及調節其發出的不同波長光的比例的方法, 201247029, 台灣智慧財產局, 2013-05-11
  10. 可調控色溫元件及產生具有不同色溫之白光的方法, 201205770, 台灣智慧財產局, 2012-11-11
  11. 照明系統, 201129248, 台灣智慧財產局, 2012-05-11
  12. 按鍵及其背光模組, 200921458, 台灣智慧財產局, 2010-05-11
  13. Color-temperature-tunable device, US 8497629 B2, 美國專利及商標局, 2013-07-30
  14. Method of determining number of light sources, EP 2323462 A3, 歐洲專利局, 2011-05-25
  15. 灯(美容灯), CN 301762042 S, 中國國家知識產權局, 2011-05-11
  16. 灯具, CN 301752835 S, 中國國家知識產權局, 2011-04-11
  17. 灯具, CN 301735762 S, 中國國家知識產權局, 2011-03-11
  18. 植物培养装置, CN 102150584 B, 中國國家知識產權局, 2012-12-11
  19. 化妆盒, CN 102138726 B, 中國國家知識產權局, 2012-11-11
  20. 可调控色温组件及产生具有不同色温的白光的方法, CN 102347323 B, 中國國家知識產權局, 2013-05-11
  21. 按键及其背光模组, CN 101441948 A, 中國國家知識產權局, 2009-11-11
  22. 决定光源个数的方法, CN 102077766 B, 中國國家知識產權局, 2012-05-11
  23. 照明灯具及调节其发出的不同波长光的比例的方法, CN 102767811 A, 中國國家知識產權局, 2012-11-11
  24. 照明系统, CN 102149237 A, 中國國家知識產權局, 2011-12-11
  1. Abaqus
  2. Thermal CVD
  3. High temperature RTA
  4. Raman
  5. FTIR
  6. Micro/nano hardness tester
  7. Degausser
  8. High-temperature oven
  9. Hot plate & Magnetic stirrer
  10. Ultrasonic cleaner
  11. Adjustable Applicat0R
  12. Constant Temperature and Humidity Machine
  13. Freeze dryer
  14. Incubat0R
  15. Potentiostat
  16. EIS
 (B) Lab product
  1. Cellulose
  2. Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)
  3. Cellulose nanofiber (CNF)
  4. Dialdehyde cellulose nanocrystal (DACNC)
  5. Erythrosine-functional Dialdehyde cellulose nanocrystal (Ery-DACNC)
  6. Graphene
  7. Graphene quantum dot (GQD)
  8. Carboxyl-functional GQD (CfGQD)
  9. Amino-functional GQD (AfGQD)
  10. Chitosan
  11. Carboxylated Chitosan (CARCTS)
  12. Aminated Chitosan (AMICTS)
  13. EVA
  14. EVA-PLA
(C) 91603  奈米科技公用儀器室公告
  1. 使用手冊&辦法

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        2. 研究項目公告: 2023


         3. 使用時間
         一、   委託代工開放時間為週三至週五8:00~17:00,須提前一週至機械系館91908B預約。取消預約須於代工日前24小時提出,預約代工日遲到或未到

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一、2023 上半年: 2023/04/15
         二、2023 下半年: 2023/10/16。